Flow Lesson #12: In the Beginning … Part One

Materials needed: pen or pencil and paper; favorite childhood books, videos, and/or songs


Be still

Before starting this exercise, take a few moments to be still and sense the presence of God within you. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through this activity and reveal what he wants you to know.

Thinking back to your childhood

Now think back to your childhood and recall your favorite books. Make a list of those books and find copies of them from the library to reread. Now journal about the following questions:

  • Did you experience a wave of nostalgia? How did that feel?
  • List specific elements of the books that sparked your imagination.
  • Has anything from those books figured into your adult life? Why and how? If not, why not? Did you simply grow up and away from the idea or was the concept suppressed for some reason in your life, either by you or someone else? Would you like to resurrect that idea for your life? Why or why not?
  • What do these memories say about you as a person? How is God speaking to you through these memories?

Favorite movie, TV show or song?

Is there a favorite childhood movie or song that sparks the same reaction? Watch that movie or listen to that song and journal the above questions.

My favorite was Daktari, a TV show about a father and daughter working in Africa to care for sick animals.

copyright 2015 Susan W. Bailey;
from Chapter 5 of River of Grace: Creative Passages Through Difficult Times,
published by Ave Maria Press






